Calibre 1.8.0

Različica 1.18 eBook bralca in managment programsake opreme Calibre je dobila kar nekaj sprememb .

 Razvijalci so dodali dodatno opcijo , za  nadzor nad  zaključnimi deli pri urejanju z Avtorji / tags / serije / etc .

" Privzeto je, da  pri izpolnjevanju stavka , Calibre pokaže  vse besede in opcije , ki se začnejo z besedilom, ki ste ga, natipkali ."

"Da bi to naredili, pojdite v Preferences - > Tweaks - > Completion mode . Na primer, če vtipkate asi , vam bo sedaj pokazal tako: Asimov Quasimodo , medtem ko bi privzeto vedenje pokazalo  samo Asimov , "

Novosti v Calibre 1.18 :

• A check for too large HTML files when running the check book tool has been implemented;
• The CSS rules in the output stylesheet are now sorted using a “natural” sort algorithm, so that calibre2 sorts before calibre10;
• The cover thumbnails are now uploaded in the proper format for Cybook Orizon;
• A Linux/OS X driver for Trekstor Pyrus LED has been added;
• A driver for Tagus Lux has been added;
• The live replacement of entities is now working properly on some non-US keyboard layouts;
• A bug in the regex engine that Calibre uses and that could cause various incorrect results in some special circumstances has been fixed.

Imejte v mislih, da , če želite sestaviti programski opremo sami , boste morali naložiti glibc 2,10 ali višje , in xdg - utils in Python ≥ 2,6  ( 3.x ne bo deloval ) . Več podrobnosti o zahtevanih odvisnosti lahko najdete na uradni spletni strani .


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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